Moving to Gutenberg

The Gutenberg editor is now WordPress’s default and support for the previous Classic editor is through a plugin. That support is not guaranteed after 31 December 2021. I wanted to patch Aram Kocharyan’s Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin to work with Gutenberg. Other people have had the same objective. I relied heavily on Fedor Urvanov’s resuscitation […]

Highlighting PowerShell Core

I use a patched version of Aram Kocharyan’s Crayon Syntax Highlighter as a syntax highlighter plugin for WordPress, currently version 5.3.2 running on PHP 7.3.14. I wanted the plugin to highlight PowerShell Core scripts in the same way that the PSReadLine module does. Configuring the theme I created a new Crayon theme Solarized Dark PS […]

Powershell Core

Windows 10 replaced the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) with Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe) as the default command-line interpreter (CLI). PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe) is the successor to Windows PowerShell. Until recently, I had used the Command Prompt through the Windows Terminal with the DejaVu Sans Mono font and the Solarized Dark colour scheme. What would be required to […]

PHP 7.3.13

I switched from PHP 7.2.26 to PHP 7.3.13 and that broke my WordPress blog. The problem was Aram Kocharyan’s Crayon Syntax Highlighter plugin. Version 2.8.4 has not been updated for 4 years. PCRE to PCRE2 The transition from PHP 7.2.x to PHP 7.3.x upgraded the PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) extension to PCRE2. User ‘baseapp’ […]

Programming ligatures

A ligature is a glyph formed by two or more graphemes. Computer fonts with programming ligatures use ligatures to present lexemes formed of two or more symbols. There is disagreement over whether that is useful or harmful – harmful because the presentation masks the symbols required to form the lexeme in code. Ian Tuomi’s Hasklig […]