As part of my further experiments with GTK4 and Haskell, I wanted to vary gtk-picture
by creating the Picture
programatically. I named the alternative gtk-dynamic-picture
I created the picture using the Diagrams project. I looked at various backends that support that project:
- the
package, based on the Cairo C library, renders to values provided by thegtk
Haskell package, not those provided by thegi-gtk
Haskell package; - the
package, also based on Cairo, can render to a buffer in memory with the pixel format known asCAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32
. That format has alpha in the upper byte, then red, then green, then blue. The pixels are, however, stored native-endian; that is, on little endian x86_64 machine architecture, the order of the bytes is B G R A. Also, pre-multiplied alpha is used. (For example, 50% transparent red is0x80800000
, not0x80ff0000
.); and - the
package, based on theRasterific
Haskell package, renders to values of typeImage PixelRGBA8
(provided by theJuicyPixels
package). Pixels are stored in the order R G B A.
Ultimately, given the pixel format of a Pixbuf
value (R G B A), I used diagrams-rasterific
as the backend.
The first step was to yield an Image PixelRGBA8
from a Diagram B
. That was straightforward, given the renderDia
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import Codec.Picture.Types ( Image (..), PixelRGBA8 ) import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific ( B, Rasterific (..), Options (..) ) import Diagrams.Prelude ( Diagram, dims2D, renderDia ) renderDiagramToImage :: Int -> Int -> Diagram B -> Image PixelRGBA8 renderDiagramToImage width height = let size = dims2D (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) options = RasterificOptions size in renderDia Rasterific options |
The gi-gtk
package provides:
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pictureNewForPaintable :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsPaintable obj) => Maybe obj -> m Picture |
and the gi-gdk
package provides Texture
, which satisfies the IsPaintable
constraint, and:
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textureNewForPixbuf :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, IsPixbuf a) => a -> m Texture |
So, the final step was to yield a Picture
value from a Texture
value and, in turn, a Texture
value from a Pixbuf
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import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific ( B ) import Diagrams.Prelude ( Diagram ) import GI.Gdk ( textureNewForPixbuf ) import GI.GdkPixbuf ( Pixbuf ) import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk import Draw ( drawGrid, backgroundWidth, backgroundHeight ) renderDiagramToPixbuf :: Int -> Int -> Diagram B -> IO Pixbuf renderDiagramToPixbuf width height diagram = imagePixelRGBA8ToPixbuf $ renderDiagramToImage width height diagram activate :: Gtk.Application -> IO () activate app = do ... texture <- textureNewForPixbuf =<< renderDiagramToPixbuf backgroundWidth backgroundHeight (drawGrid newGrid) picture <- Gtk.pictureNewForPaintable (Just texture) |
The missing link was a function that would yield a Pixbuf
value given an Image PixelRGBA8
value. I bridged that link with:
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import Codec.Picture.Types ( Image (..), PixelRGBA8 ) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SV import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( free, mallocBytes ) import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( copyBytes ) import GI.GdkPixbuf ( Colorspace (..), Pixbuf, pixbufNewFromData ) imagePixelRGBA8ToPixbuf :: Image PixelRGBA8 -> IO Pixbuf imagePixelRGBA8ToPixbuf image = do let w = imageWidth image h = imageHeight image rowStride = w * 4 -- 4 bytes per PixelRGBA8 n = h * rowStride SV.unsafeWith (imageData image) $ \ptr -> do pixbufPtr <- mallocBytes n copyBytes pixbufPtr ptr n pixbufNewFromData pixbufPtr ColorspaceRgb True -- hasAlpha 8 -- bitsPerSample (fromIntegral w) -- width (fromIntegral h) -- height (fromIntegral rowStride) -- rowStride (Just free) -- destroyFn |
imageData image
has type Data.Vector.Storable.Vector Word8
. A buffer is allocated (mallocBytes n
) and the bytes copied into it (copyBytes pixbufPtr ptr n
). free
is specified as the destroy function.
Mutable application state
Following an example presented by Mark Karpov and Jorge Galarze, I realised I would need a mutable state of the application. I used an IORef
, as follows:
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import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef ) activate :: Gtk.Application -> IORef Grid -> IO () activate app appState = do ... gameGrid <- readIORef appState texture <- textureNewForPixbuf =<< renderDiagramToPixbuf backgroundWidth backgroundHeight (drawGrid gameGrid) ... main :: IO () main = do appState <- newIORef emptyGrid app <- new Gtk.Application [ #applicationId := "com.pilgrem.gtk-picture" , On #activate (activate ?self appState) ] void $ Nothing |
The onMouseClick
action needed to update the application state and the paintable
attribute of the Picture
value. In that regard, I had a couple of false starts.
First, I thought I needed to use getEventControllerWidget
. The auto-generated Haddock documentation for package gi-gtk-4.0.9
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getEventControllerWidget :: (MonadIO m, IsEventController o) => o -> m Widget |
However, the Haddock documentation for module Data.GI.Base.Attributes
Whenever the attribute is represented as a pointer in the C side, it is often the case that the underlying C representation admits or returns
as a valid value for the property. In these cases theget
operation may returnMaybe
value, withNothing
representing theNULL
pointer value (notable exceptions areGList
, for whichNULL
is represented simply as the empty list). This can be overridden in the introspection data, since sometimes attributes are non-nullable, even if the type would allow forNULL
and the GTK4 documentation for gtk_event_controller_get_widget
states that the return value can be NULL
I found on one machine that get gestureClick #widget
was an action yielding a Maybe Widget
and on another machine, with the same dependencies on Haskell packages, that get gestureClick #widget
was an action yielding a Widget
. I concluded that something had been corrupted on the former machine. I solved the problem by starting from scratch on that machine: I deleted the Stack-supplied MSYS2 and the snapshot
directory in the Stack root. I had Stack re-install the Stack-supplied MSYS2, updated it, and installed the necessary MSYS2 packages. I then re-built the Haskell package dependencies that depended on the C libraries provided by those MSYS2 packages.
Then, I realised that I could could sequence actions so that the Picture
value had been specified before the onMouseClick
action needed to refer to it:
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activate :: Gtk.Application -> IORef Grid -> IO () activate app appState = do ... picture <- Gtk.pictureNew ... let onMouseClick :: Gtk.GestureClickPressedCallback onMouseClick _nPress x y = do labelCoords `set` [ #label := coordsIntro <> showCoords x y ] whenJust (coordsToIsland x y) $ \(row, col) -> do oldGrid <- readIORef appState let gameGrid = updateGrid col row oldGrid writeIORef appState gameGrid texture <- textureNewForPixbuf =<< renderDiagramToPixbuf backgroundWidth backgroundHeight (drawGrid gameGrid) picture `set` [ #paintable := texture ] gestureClick <- new Gtk.GestureClick [ On #pressed onMouseClick ] ... #addController picture gestureClick |
The resulting executable behaved as expected: